Monday, December 20, 2010

Chris Brown Talks Art and His Name Being Shot to Sh*t

In his latest webisode to onlookers, Chris Brown dives into his passion for art and how it helps him with his “creativity” in his music.

Brown, who says art helps him “stay young” and “youthful mentally,” began his artistic expression at young age.

“I fell in love with art about the age of six,” Brown states. “I always took pride in winning the coloring contest in school. I think that creative kind of feeling came from me just wanting to be different. “

This same creative reflection of wanting to be different is what helped Brown with his last album ‘Graffiti,’ which he named that way due to it’s expressive meaning.

“My last album Graffiti…it’s a couple different meaning,” says Brown. “When you think about Graffiti you think about art but it’s illegal sometimes in certain places so you think about vandalizing, defaming and messing up sh*t. I feel like in that error of me doing my album, my name was kinda being thrown and slandered and kinda vandalized…shot to sh*t. That’s why I wanted to name it Graffiti, its for me to express my form of art, which is music, which brings all those elements of my creativity and my imagination to life.”

Brown also says that his new album F.A.M.E will carry on this same expression of art.

“I appreciate other artists who have that talent, who have that eye for detail, an eye for their own imagination and I just think it’s great that art is a part of my life,” says Brown.